Leighann is a WNC native, with a passion for anything HAIR. She focuses her time behind the chair building relationships with her guests. She specializes in listening to their needs and helping them reach their hair goals. She uses @kevinmurphyhair color, and is always keeping up with the latest trends and hair cutting techniques through education. She enjoys gardening, travel, and reading in her free time. Leighann cannot wait to spend some time with you!
Medium Length>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$55
Long Length>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$65
Clipper Cut>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$30
Bang Trim>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$20
Brow Shaping/Maintenance>>>>>>$20
Lip & Chin>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$20
Full Face>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$40
All Over Root Retouch>>>>>>>>>>>>$95
Roots & Partial Highlites>>>>>>>>>>$150
Full Head Highlite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$180
Half Head/Partial Hihglites>>>>>>$135
All Over Color & Full Highlites>>>$220
Toner Refresh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$45
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